Monday, December 31, 2012

Got Resolutions?

    I always look forward to the New Year, and often create goals for myself that I hope will make my life healthier, happier and easier.  This year is no exception, but rather than jump into major changes I decided to reflect a bit about where I would like to see improvements and how to achieve them.

As I was thinking I began to notice that while popular media abounds with advice and advertisements for programs to create "our best selves" most of these only focus on one sphere of health.  At this time of year the majority are even more limited, focusing on physical appearance and weight loss only.  While achieving a healthy weight can be a great start to health and wellness, it is not enough.  Many will find that losing weight without examining the other social and emotional factors that promoted and sustained unhealthy eating will only regain their weight over time.

I would like to suggest that true health and wellness has 4 distinct and overlapping spheres, and thinking about, and setting goals in all 4 areas will help us achieve the sense of wellbeing we desire.  The first is the most obvious and the one we all focus on first, our physical health.   I will start this year's blog posts with some thoughts about this sphere. 

The second and third spheres are often lumped into one area but are truely two- mental health and spiritual health.  I think of these two as representing our personal moods and our connections to others and to a greater purpose.  I will try to post on these topics throughout the year.

The last sphere, and the one most often neglected in the popular media, is financial health.  I often use money as an equivalent to time and without adequate resources of either, it often becomes nearly impossible to make the changes needed in the other spheres.  My resolution for this blog is to offer advice that is cost effective and respectful of the busy lives we all lead.

So, as you think about changes you would like to make in 2013 keep all 4 spheres of health in mind and remember that not every change needs to begin on January 1st.   Start with easy to achieve changes and move onto harder stuff as the year progresses.  My hope with this blog is to provide strategies to assist us all along the way. 

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Kathy! A great post and excellent advice
