These 5 suggestions may help:
1. Write it down: Posting your goals in areas where you will see them frequently can be subtle reminders to stay on track. Several studies have also shown that keeping a log of food intake and/or activity can help you stay honest. A log also lets you see how far you have come as well as serve as a resource for identifying what is and isn't working in your wellness plan. There are lots of great logs available online, in print and as Apps for your smartphone. I love looking back over my fitness log on Beginner Triathlete. When I am feeling lazy it helps me to get out the door and I try to improve on something-days of exercise, running pace, miles ridden-every year.
2. Start with small steps: Losing 20 pounds or running a road race is a big undertaking. Breaking things into small doable stages allows an initial weekly goal of running for 5 or 10 minutes build into a completed 5K after several weeks or months. Substituting a piece of fruit for that afternoon candy snack can add up to real pounds lost over time.
3. Involve others: Going public means accountability. Having an exercise buddy waiting at the gym may help you stick with your exercise goals. Group weight loss programs have a long track record of success and online communities can accommodate busy schedules. Letting others provide support and encouragement will get you past those days when you think eating healthy is not worth the effort.
4. Commit some cash: Hire a trainer to come to your home or design a workout for you at the gym. Not only does spending money provide motivation but a trainer will keep you on track. Foster a little friendly competition by pooling some cash every week with friends or family members. The person achieving their weekly goals keeps the cash. Sometimes having a little skin in the game can keep you in the game.
5. Reward success: Give yourself credit for your successes. Periodic rewards can provide motivation when your goals seem distant. A massage after a month of workouts or a new music download for a pound lost is a great way to say "good job". Just be sure your rewards don't undermine your efforts.
So what am I doing? I've registered for a St Patrick's 5K to keep me running. I will continue to log onto Beginner Triathlete daily. And my favorite- I am on a 4 person team participating in a fitness and weight loss challenge through Quick-2-Fit at Body Natural Fitness Center. We start January 16th. It's going to hit all 5 of my suggestions. I can't wait to start.
Excellent post Kathy! Great advice and a very practical approach.